This life Changing program will allow you to Discover your Best Self to live with Greater Joy!
~ Linda Chandler . 2014 ~

Programs Overview

Sales Magic
In this program, Linda Chandler covers the main lessons from her best-selling audio album that has helped thousands of sales professionals exceed their sales goals. Ms. Chandler illustrates her key points with memorable stories and powerful examples that reveal how sales mastery can be attained.
Lessons of a green rookie securities broker
• Warming up leads colder than ice
• Don't assume anything about your prospective client
• Seven principles of sales mastery
• To be a rainmaker, you have to at times be unorthodox
• How to sustain sales success year after year...

Business Extraordinary
Core Value Training consists of ten classes, and each one takes 3 and a half days to complete. While we recommend that most people allow a short interval between classes—anywhere from several weeks to a couple months—some people prefer a more immersive experience and elect to take some classes back-to-back.
Only you can know which approach is right for you. These are intense, interactive seminars where you will be asked to do much in-depth self-examination, so do consider whether or not you will want a break in between sessions. For best results, plan to take all ten classes within a year and half. Linda Chandler offers all ten classes at multiple times and locations throughout the year to make it as easy as possible for you to complete the entire program.
This thought-provoking new business training program is led by one of the world's leading authorities on fast growth business strategies, entrepreneurship, future trends and visionary leadership—Linda Chandler.
Linda lectures on business, finance and entrepreneurship worldwide, including all over Asia. Ms. Chandler also serves as a strategic consultant and corporate trainer to many global multinational companies, including JP Morgan Chase Bank, Motorola Corporation, ICBC Industrial Commercial Bank of China, Malaysia Debt Ventures, the Government of Shanghai, etc.
Open only to members of Linda Chandler's executive mentoring program, this annual event is a high-powered opportunuity to take your business to a world-class level.
The 10th Annual Mendocino MasterMind Program was an executive retreat that was held at the lovely Little River Inn on the majestic Mendocino coast of Northern California. Facilitated by Linda Chandler, the program featured special guest lecturers.
Besides MasterMind retreat sessions, attendees enjoyed beauty spa treatments at the Little River Inn Spa and explored neighboring towns and vineyards on their days off. Also featured were shopping in Mendocino, feasting on crab dishes (it is crab season in California during this period, and the crab louies and crab cakes are delicious!) and wine-tasting in the wine country, including Napa Valley which is world-famous for its wines.

Master Mind Program

Core Value Graduate
Higher and deeper level of learning. Get to travel around the world while learning with Linda Chandler.
Open for CV5 and above.
The purpose of this course is to accelerate leadership skills for people who are prepared to take their organizations and businesses to world-class levels. This intensive management training will address critical areas of entrepreneurial success proven to work effectively throughout the world.
Attendees will learn how to ask the right questions and to then find answers and solutions for today’s challenges and changing marketplace. You will learn to look at the world differently, and you will emerge a different person.